Wednesday, December 29, 2004


By the time the dust settles and the horrendous task of counting bodies is complete, more people will have died in Southeast Asia this week than live in the town I grew up in. At least sixty thousand lives lost, just like that. September 11 times TWENTY. Not to disregard the very real suffering of the families and friends of 9/11's victims, but I think it's about time we Americans quit our fucking whining and take a look at the rest of the world.

Click here to find out how you can help and/or track down friends and loved ones. Find out if your company is matching donations. If they're not already, do what you must to get them to.

No luck so far in locating my friend David Lam, who has been traveling in Asia for the last six months or so. I can't sleep, so I can hardly imagine what his family and 60,000 others are going through. I'll keep you posted.

It seems ridiculous to blather about much else today...however this depressing event can not go without mention. We'll miss you, Lenny Briscoe. Nobody puts Baby in a corner.


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